Most of my research is done through the MTN lab and the Stellenbosch Smart Mobility Lab.


Peer-reviewed Book chapters Print





1. M.J. Booysen, C.J. Abraham, A.J.Rix, I. Indibatya, “e-Quantum leap on a data highway: Planning for electric minibus taxis in sub-Saharan Africa’s paratransit system” in “Transport and Mobility Futures in Urban Africa“, The Urban Book Series, Springer, 2022 Link Link Link


Peer-reviewed journal publications Print





50. A. Muthua, R.P. Theart, M.J. Booysen, “Using infrared to improve face recognition of individuals with highly pigmented skin“, accepted for iScience, 2023 Link Link

49. J.H. Giliomee, C.R. Hull, K.A. Collett, M. McCulloch, M.J. Booysen, “Simulating Mobility to Plan for Electric Minibus Taxis in Sub-Saharan Africa’s Paratransit“, Transportation Research Part D, 2023 Link Link Link
48. M.M. Mabitsela, H. Motsi, K.J. Hull, D.P. Labuschagne, M.J. Booysen, S. Mavengahama, E.E. Phiri“First report of aeroponically grown Bambara groundnut, an African indigenous hypogeal legume: Implications for climate adaptation“, Heliyon, 2023 Link Link
47. C.R. Hull, J.H. Giliomee, K.A. Collett, M. McCulloch, M.J. Booysen, “Using high resolution GPS data to plan the electrification of paratransit: a case study in South Africa“, Transportation Research Part D, 2023 Link Link Link
46. J.H. Giliomee, M.J. Booysen, “Decarbonising Africa’s long-distance paratransit: Battery swapping with solar-charged minibus trailers”, Transportation Research Part D, 2023 Link Link
45. M.J. Ritchie, J.W. Burger, D. Naidoo, M.J. Booysen, “Towards informed policy making: An analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on electricity purchases in South Africa”, Energies , 2022 Link Link
44. A.J. Rix, C.J. Abraham, M.J. Booysen, “Why taxi tracking trumps tracking passengers with apps in planning for the electrification of Africa’s paratransit”iScience, 2022 Link Link Link
43. M.J. Ritchie, J.A.A. Engelbrecht, M.J. Booysen, “A Data-Driven Household Electricity Synthesiser for South Africa using Enveloped Sum of Gaussians”Energy for Sustainable Development, 2022 Link TBC Link
42. A. Hsu, K. Logan, M. Qadir, M.J. Booysen, A.M. Montero, K.K. Tong, G. Broadbent, T. Wiedmann, V.K.S. Woon, C. Good
J. Colding, G. Foliente, Ş. Kılkış, “Opportunities and barriers to net-zero cities: Electric vehicles with scarce and dirty electricity” One Earth, 2022
Link Link
41. M.J. Booysen, C.J. Abraham, A.J. Rix, J.H. Giliomee, “Electrification of minibus taxis in the shadow of loadshedding and energy scarcity” South African Journal of Science, 2022 Link Link Link
40. P.D. van Schalkwyk, J.A.A. Engelbrecht, M.J. Booysen, “Thermal stratification and temperature variation in horizontal electric water heaters: A characterisation platform” , Energies, 2022 Link Link
39. M.J. Ritchie, J.A.A. Engelbrecht, M.J. Booysen, “Centrally adapted optimal control of multiple electric water heaters” Energies, 2022 Link Link Link
38. M.J. Booysen, C.J. Abraham, A.J.Rix, I. Indibatya, “Walking on sunshine: Pairing electric vehicles with solar energy for sustainable informal public transport in Uganda”Energy Research and Social Science, 2022 Link Link Link
37. J.A. Samuels, S.S. Grobbelaar, M.J. Booysen, “Pandemic and bills: The impact of COVID-19 on energy usage of schools in South Africa”Energy for Sustainable Development, 2021 Link Link
36. M.J. Booysen, S. Gerber “Water scarcity and poverty Water scarcity and poverty: The lasting impact of a maintenance campaign at South African schools across the affluence divide”, Water Science and Technology, 2021 Link Link
35. C.J. Abraham, A.J.Rix, I. Indibatya, M.J. Booysen “Ray of hope for sub-Saharan Africa’s paratransit: solar charging of urban electric minibus taxis in South Africa”Energy for Sustainable Development, 2021 Link Link Link
34. M.J. Ritchie, J.A.A. Engelbrecht, M.J. Booysen “Which strategy saves the most energy for stratified water heaters?” Energies, 2021 Link Link Link
33. M.J. Booysen, C.K. Ripunda “When usage matters: time-of-use analysis of Cape Town’s Day Zero drought response” Water Science and Technology, 2021 Link Link
32. P. Mabina, P. Mukoma, M.J. Booysen “Sustainability matchmaking: Linking renewable sources to electric water heating through machine learning” Energy and Buildings, 2021 Link Link
31. M.J. Ritchie, J.A.A. Engelbrecht, M.J. Booysen, “Practically-achievable energy savings with the optimal control of stratified water heaters with predicted usage” Energies, 2021 Link Link Link
30. J.A.A. Engelbrecht, M.J. Ritchie, M.J. Booysen ” Optimal schedule and temperature control of stratified water heaters” Energy for Sustainable Development, 2021 Link Link Link
29. I. Ndibatya, M.J. Booysen, “Characterizing the movement patterns of minibus taxis in Kampala’s paratransit system”, Journal of Transport Geography, 2021 Link Link
28. Stone, W. et al. “Canary in the coliform mine: Exploring the industrial application limits of a microbial respiration alarm system”PLOS ONE, 2021 Link Link Link
27. M.J. Booysen, J. Samuels, S.S. Grobbelaar, LED there be light: The impact of a lighting efficiency campaign at poor schools in South Africa”Energy and Buildings, 2021 Link Link Link
26. M.J. Booysen, J.A.A. Engelbrecht, M.J. Ritchie A probabilistic hot water usage model and simulator for use in residential energy management”Energy and Buildings, 2021 Link Link Link
25. M. Visser, M.J. Booysen, K. Berger, J. Brühl , Saving water at Cape Town schools by using smart metering and behavioral change , Water Resources and Economics, 2021 Link Link
24. J.M.D.F.P Ingles, T.M. Louw, M.J. Booysen, Water quality assessment using a portable UV optical absorbance nitrate sensor with a scintillator and a smartphone camera, Water SA, vol 47 no 1, ” 2021 Link Link
23. I. Ndibatya, M.J. Booysen,“Minibus taxis in Kampala’s paratransit system: Operations, economics and efficiency”,” Journal of Transport and Geography , vol 88, 2020 Link Link
22. J.A. Samuels, S.S. Grobbelaar, M.J. Booysen, “Light-years apart: Energy usage by schools across the South African affluence divide,” Energy Research and Social Science, vol 70, 2020 Link Link
21. K.M. Buresh, M. Apperley, M.J. Booysen, “Three shades of green: Perspectives on at-work charging of electric vehicles from photovoltaic carports,” Energy for Sustainable Development, vol 57, 2020 Link Link
20. M.C. Rademeyer, A. Barnard, M.J. Booysen, “Optoelectronic and Environmental Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Crowd-sourced Vehicle-mounted License Plate Recognition,” IEEE Open Journal for Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol 1, 2020 Link Link
19. S. Gerber, A. Rix, M.J. Booysen, “Towards sustainable developing cities: A simplified forecasting model for sizing grid-tied PV using monthly electricity bills,” Sustainable Cities and Society, vol 54, 2020 Link Link Link
18. M.J. Booysen, B. Wijesiri, C. Ripunda, A. Goonetilleke  “Fees and governance: Towards sustainability in water resources management at schools in post-apartheid South Africa,” Sustainable Cities and Society, vol 51, Nov 2019 Link Link
17. T.G. Durand, L. Visagie, M.J. Booysen,  “Evaluation of next-generation low-power communication technology in IoT applications”, IET Communications, vol 13, no 16 2019 Link Link
16. M.J. Booysen, C. Ripunda, M. Visser  “Results from a water-saving maintenance campaign at Cape Town schools in the run-up to Day Zero”, Sustainable Cities and Society, vol 50, Oct 2019 Link Link
15. J.A. Samuels, M.J. Booysen,  “Chalk, talk, and energy efficiency: Saving electricity at South African schools through staff training and smart meter data visualisation”, Energy Research and Social Science,vol 56, 2019 Link Link Link
14. M.J. Booysen, J.A.A. Engelbrecht, M.J. Ritchie, M. Apperley, A.H. Cloete,  “How much energy can optimal control of domestic water heating save?”, Energy for Sustainable Development, vol 51 pp. 73-85 2019 Link Link Link
13. S. Gerber, A. Rix, M.J. Booysen, “Combining grid-tied PV and intelligent water heater control to reduce the energy costs at schools in South Africa”, Energy for Sustainable Development, vol 50  pp. 117-125, June 2019 Link Link Link
12. W. Stone, T.M. Louw, G. Gakingo, M.J. Nieuwoudt, M.J. Booysen, “A potential source of undiagnosed Legionellosis: Legionella growth in domestic water heating systems in South Africa”, Energy for Sustainable Development, Volume 48, pp. 130-138, Feb 2019 Link Link Link
11. M.J. Booysen, R. Burger, M. Visser, Temporal case study of household behavioural response to Cape Town’s “Day Zero” using smart meter data”, Water Research, Volume 149, pp. 414-420, Feb 2019 Link Link
10. N.O. Pirow, T.M. Louw, , M.J. Booysen, Non-Invasive Estimation of Domestic Hot Water Usage with Temperature and Vibration Sensors”, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation Volume 63, Pages 1-7, Oct 2018 Link Link Link
9.  M. Roux, M. Apperley, M.J. Booysen, Comfort, peak load and energy: Centralised control of water heaters for demand-driven prioritisation”, Energy for Sustainable Development vol 44, pp. 78–86, Jun 2018 Link Link Link
8.  P.J.C. Nel, M.J. Booysen, A.B. van der Merwe, “A computationally inexpensive energy model for horizontal electrical water heaters with scheduling”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 48 – 56, Jan 2018 Link Link
7.  N.A. Ebot Eno Akpa, M.J. Booysen, M. Sinclair, A multimodal evaluation of the impact of Average Speed Enforcement (ASE) on road safety on the R61 in South Africa”, SAICE Journal, vol.58 n.4 p. 2-10, Dec 2016 Link Link Link
6.  P.J.C. Nel, M.J. Booysen, A.B. van der Merwe, Energy perceptions in South Africa: An analysis of behaviour and understanding of electric water heaters, Energy for sustainable development , Volume 32, pp 62-70, Jun 2016. Link Link
5. N.A. Ebot Eno Akpa, M.J. Booysen, M. Sinclair, Auditory Intelligent Speed Adaptation for long-distance informal public transport in South Africa”, IEEE Intelligent Transport Systems Magazine –, Volume 8, issue 2, pp 53 – 64,  Apr 2016. Link Link Link
4. J. Engelbrecht, M.J. Booysen, G.-J. van Rooyen, F.J. Bruwer, A Survey of Smartphone-based Sensing in Vehicles for ITS Applications”, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, vol 9, issue 10, pp. 924-935, Dec 2015. Link Link
3.  M.J. Booysen, S Zeadally, and G.-J. van Rooyen, A Performance Comparison of Media Access Control Protocols for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs)”, IET Networks, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 10–19, March 2012. Link Link
2.  M.J. Booysen, J.S. Gilmore, S. Zeadally, and G.-J. van Rooyen, Machine-to-machine (M2M) Communications in Vehicular Networks”, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 529–546, Feb 2012. Link Link
1. M.J. Booysen, S Zeadally, and G.-J. van Rooyen, Survey of media access control protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks, IET Communications, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 1619–1631, July 2011. Link



International peer-reviewed conferences publications

Publication Print





56. C.J. Abraham, T. Zenner, A. Rix, M.J. Booysen, “Decarbonising south africa’s paratransit with hydrogen: A simulated case study”, Southern African Transport Conference, 2023, Jul2023, Tshwane, South Africa. TBD TBD
55. S. Abdelgadir, J.H. Giliomee, C. Venter, M.J. Booysen, “Using tracking data and an electro-mobility simulator to establish the energy requirements of electric minibus taxis in Tshwane”, Southern African Transport Conference, 2023, Jul2023, Tshwane, South Africa. TBD TBD
54. K. Wolff, K.M. Coetzer, M.J. Booysen, “Self-efficacy in engineering design through peer review, self review, and interactive online tutorials”, IEEE WEEF-GEDC/AEEA 2022 conference, Nov2022, Cape Town, South Africa. Link Link
53. L. Fuessl, B. Thomas, M.J. Booysen, “Harnessing nature: Using solar and wind power with stationary battery storage for electric minibus taxis”, IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion, Aug 2022,Merced, California, USA. Link Link
52. M.J. Ritchie, J.A.A. Engelbrecht, M.J. Booysen, “Impact of node count on energy-optimal control of stratified vertical water heaters in smart grid applications”, IEEE PES & IAS PowerAfrica Conference, Aug 2022, Kigali, Rwanda. Link Link
51. P.D. van Schalkwyk, J.A.A. Engelbrecht, M.J. Booysen”Inside and out: A Platform to Characterise Stratification in Horizontal Electric Water Heaters“,  International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET 2021), Dec 2021, Cape Town, South Africa. Link Link
50. M.J. Booysen, K.E. Wolff, “Exclusion from Constructive Alignment unmasked by Emergency Remote Teaching“,  Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES 2021), Dec 2021, Perth, Australia. Link Link
49. N. Korsten, K.E. Wolff, M.J. Booysen, “Time for mentally healthy engineering students“,  World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF 2021), Dec 2021, Madrid, Spain. Link Link
48. I. Ndibatya, M.J. Booysen “Transforming Paratransit in Africa’s congested Cities: An ICT-enabled Integrated Demand Responsive Transport (iDRT) approach“,  Information Sciences and Technology Africa (IST-Africa), May 2020, Kampala, Uganda. Link Link
47. N.A. Ebot Eno Akpa, M.J. Booysen, M. Sinclair “Fuel savings as an incentive for speed compliance in the informal public transport industry in South Africa“,  Intelligent Transport Systems Conference (ITSC 2019), October 2019, Auckland, New Zealand. Link Link Link
46. K.E. Wolff, M.J. Booysen, “The smart engineering curriculum“,  Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES 2019), July 2019, Cape Town, South Africa. Link Link
45. M.C. Rademeyer, M.J. Booysen, A. Barnard, “Factors that influence the geometric detection pattern of vehicle-based licence plate recognition systems“,  Southern African Transport Conference (SATC 2018), July 2018, Pretoria, South Africa. Link
44. C. Ripunda, M.J. Booysen, “Understanding and affecting school water behaviour using technological interventions“, Water Institute South Africa Conference (WISA 2018), 24 June 2018, Cape Town, South Africa. Link
43. J.E. Shuda, A.J. Rix, M.J. Booysen , “Module-level Monitoring of Solar PV Plants using LoRa Wireless Sensor Networks“, IEEE Power Africa 2018, July 2018, Cape Town, South Africa. Link Link
42. P.J.C. Nel , M.J. Booysen , B. van der Merwe, “Saving on household electric water heating: What works best and by how much?“, IEEE IGST 2017, Auckland, New Zealand. Link Link
41. L.L. Leeuwner, N.H. Naude, M. Roux, M.J. Booysen, “Evaluation of the Energy Model of a Horizontally-Mounted Electric Water Heater Through Internal Temperature Measurement“, IEEE IGST 2017, Auckland, New Zealand. Link Link
40. S. Coetzee, T. Mouton, and M. J. Booysen, “Home Energy Management Systems: A Qualitative Analysis and Overview“, Africon 2017, Cape Town, South Africa. Link
39. M. Roux, M.J. Booysen, “Use of smart grid technology to compare regions and days of the week in household water heating“, IEEE Domestic use of Energy (DUE 2017), 3 – 5 April 2017, Cape Town, South Africa Link Link Link
38. A.H. Cloete, R.C. Sandell, M.J. Booysen and A.B. van der Merwe, “Smart electric water heaters: A system architecture proposal for scalable IoT“, ICC 2017, Cambridge, UK. Link
37. J.J. Erwee, M.J. Booysen, A. Barnard, “Leakage characterisation platform for water distribution systems“, Computer Control for Water Industry Conferenc (CCWI), 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Link
36. M.J. Booysen, A.H. Cloete, “Sustainability through intelligent scheduling of electric water heaters in a smart grid“, IEEE International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing (Datacom), Auckland, New Zealand, 2016 Link
35. I. Ndibatya, J Coetzee, M.J. Booysen, “Mapping the informal public transport network in Kampala with smartphones: Making sense of an organically evolved chaotic system in an emerging city in sub-Saharan Africa“, SATC 2016, Pretoria, South Africa. Link
34. H. van der Merwe, M.J. Booysen, S.J. Andersen, “Optimal use of existing freeway management surveillance infrastructure on pedestrian bridges with computer vision techniques“, SATC 2016, Pretoria, South Africa. Link
33. D.R. Fourie, M.J. Booysen , “Real Time Identification of Heart Sounds Using Selectional Regional Correlation of the Time Frequency Domain“, IEEE CICARE, December 2015, Cape Town, South Africa. Link Link
32. S. Nienaber, R.S. Kroon, M.J. Booysen , “A Comparison of Low-Cost Monocular Vision Techniques for Pothole Distance Estimation“, IEEE CIVTS, December 2015, Cape Town, South Africa. Link
31. J. Engelbrecht, M.J. Booysen, G.-J. van Rooyen, F.J. Bruwer , “Performance Comparison of Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) and a Maximum Likelihood (ML) Classifier in Measuring Driver Behavior with Smartphones“, IEEE CIVTS, December 2015, Cape Town, South Africa. Link
30. P.J.C. Nel, M.J. Booysen, A.B. van der Merwe, “Electric Water Heater Energy Consumption Determination Using Outlet Temperature and Volumetric Estimation“, IEEE CIASG, December 2015, Cape Town, South Africa. Link Link
29. F.J. Bruwer, M.J. Booysen, “Comparison of GPS and MEMS Support for Smartphone-Based Driver Behavior Monitoring“, IEEE CIVTS, December 2015, Cape Town, South Africa. Link Link
28. N.A. Ebot Eno Akpa, M.J. Booysen, M. Sinclair, “Efficacy of Interventions and Incentives to Achieve Speed Compliance in the Informal Public Transport Sector“, IEEE CIVTS, December 2015, Cape Town, South Africa. Link Link
27. H.E. Jacobs, Y. Skibbe, M.J. Booysen, C. Makwiza, “Correlating sound and flow rate at a tap“, Computer Control for Water Industry Conferenc (CCWI), September 2015, Leicester, UK. Link
26. P.J.C. Nel, M.J. Booysen, A.B. van der Merwe, “‘Using thermal transients at the outlet of electrical water heaters to recognise consumption patterns for heating schedule optimisation“, IEEE NTMS, July 2015, Paris, France. Link Link
25. S. Nienaber, M.J. Booysen, R.S. Kroon, “Detecting potholes using simple image processing techniques and real-world footage“, SATC, July 2015, Pretoria, South Africa. Link Link
24. F.J. Bruwer, M.J. Booysen, “Vehicle acceleration estimation using smart-phone based sensors“, SATC, July 2015, Pretoria, South Africa. Link
23. A. De Bruin, M.J. Booysen, “Drone-based traffic flow estimation and tracking using computer vision“, SATC, July 2015, Pretoria, South Africa Link
22. J. Engelbrecht, M.J. Booysen, G.-J. van Rooyen, “Recognition of driving manoeuvres using smartphone-based inertial and GPS measurement“, UMICTA, December 2014, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Link
21. G.R. Sawyer, M.J. Booysen, “Presentation of a Home Automation Solution with Potential for Seamless Integration and Vast Expansion“, UMICTA, December 2014, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Link
20. P.J.C. Nel, M.J. Booysen, B. van der Merwe, “ICT-enabled solutions for smart management of water supply in Africa“, UMICTA, December 2014, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Link
19. N.A. Ebot Eno Akpa, M.J. Booysen, M. Sinclair, “The impact of average speed over distance (ASOD) systems on speeding patterns along the R61“, UMICTA, December 2014, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Link
18. I. Ndibatya, M.J. Booysen, “Modelling of inter-stop minibus taxi movements: Using machine learning and network theory“, UMICTA, December 2014, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Link
17. I. Ndibatya, M.J. Booysen, J. Quinn, “An Adaptive Transportation Prediction Model for the Informal Public Transport Sector in Africa“, IEEE Intelligent Transport Systems Conference (ITSC), 2014, Qingdao, China. Link Link
16. A.S. Zeeman, M.J. Booysen, “Simple capacitive seat sensing for occupancy detection and counting in minibus taxis“, SATC 2014, July 2014, Pretoria. Link
15. A.S. Zeeman, M.J. Booysen, “Public transport sector driving behaviour: Measuring recklessness using speed and acceleration“, SATC 2014, July 2014, Pretoria. Best paper award. Link
14. M.J. Booysen, N.A. Ebot Eno Akpa, “Minibus Driving Behaviour on the Cape Town to Mthatha Route“, SATC, July 2014, Pretoria. Link
13. M.J. Booysen and G.-J. van Rooyen , “The Impact of TDMA Frame Size on Latency in a Neighbor-Aware VANET MAC“, IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Communication Technologies and their Applications to Intelligent transportation systems, Cognitive radios and Sensor networks, 2-4 July 2014, Birmingham, UK. Link
12. M.J. Booysen and G.-J. van Rooyen , “The Effect of Frame Size and the Hidden Node Problem on a Neighbor-Aware VANET MAC”, IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Communication Technologies and their Applications to Intelligent transportation systems, Cognitive radios and Sensor networks, 2-4 July 2014, Birmingham, UK. Link
11. J.P. Meijers, Marica Amadeo, Claudia Campolo, Antonella Molinaro, Stefano Yuri Paratore, Giuseppe Ruggeri, and M.J. Booysen, “A Two-Tier Content-Centric Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks“, IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, 7-11 Oct 2013, Göttingen, Germany. Link
10. A.S. Zeeman, M.J. Booysen, “Combining speed and acceleration to detect reckless driving in the informal public transport industry”, IEEE Intelligent Transport Systems, 6-9 Oct 2013, Den Haag, Netherlands. Link Link
9. J.-H. Le Roux, A. Barnard, M.J. Booysen, “Remotely Controllable Wireless Road Stud Network”, IEEE Intelligent Transport Systems, 6-9 Oct 2013, Den Haag, Netherlands. Link
8. M.J. Booysen, S.J. Andersen, A.S. Zeeman, “Informal public transport in Sub-Saharan Africa as a vessel for Novel Intelligent Transport Systems”, IEEE Intelligent Transport Systems, 6-9 Oct 2013, Den Haag, Netherlands. Link Link
7. M.J. Booysen, J.A.A. Engelbrecht, A. Molinaro, “Proof of concept: Large-scale monitor and control of household water heating in near real-time”, International Conference of Applied Energy: (ICAE 2013), 1-4 July 2013, Pretoria, South Africa. Link
6. J. M. Schietekat and M.J. Booysen, “Detection of reckless driving in the Sub-Saharan informal public transportation system using acceleration-sensing telematics”, Eurocon 2013, July 2013, Zagreb, Croatia. Link
5. M.J. Booysen and G.-J. van Rooyen, “Performance Evaluation of Neighbor-Awareness at the Media Access Control (MAC) Layer for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs)”, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2013), June 23-26, 2013, in Gold Coast, Australia. Link
4. M.J. Booysen, S Zeadally, and G.-J. van Rooyen, “Impact of Neighbor Awareness at the MAC Layer in a Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork (VANET)”, IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Vehicular Communications: WIVEC, 2-3 June 2013, Dresden, Germany. Link Link
3. O. Briante, C. Campolo, A. Iera, A. Molinaro, S.Y. Paratore, G. Ruggeri, M.J. Booysen, “ItsPhone: an Integrated Platform for Participatory ITS Data Collection and Opportunistic Transfer”, 32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications: InfoCOM2013, April 14-19, 2013 – Turin, Italy. Link
2. L.S. Mojela, M.J. Booysen, “On the use of WiMAX and Wi-Fi in a VANET to provide in-vehicle connectivity and media distribution”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2013, 25-28 Feb. 2013, Cape Town, South Africa. Link
1. A.S. Zeeman, M.J. Booysen, G. Ruggeri, and B. Laganá “Capacitive seat sensors for multiple occupancy detection using a low-cost setup”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT),  25-28 Feb. 2013, Cape Town, South Africa. Link

Regional peer-reviewed conferences publications:

  2. M. Roux, N.H. Naude, M.J. Booysen, A. Barnard, “Electric water heaters in smartgrids Individual savings versus network peak load management”, SAUPEC 2017, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
  3. M.C. Swanepoel, M.J. Booysen, W Smit, “A Structural-Locking Bicycle Docking Mechanism to Enable Safe and Convenient Bicycle Usage in Urban Environments”, South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM 2016), Potchefstroom, South Africa, 2016
  4. A.H. Cloete, J.W.K. Brown, M.J. Booysen, R. Steinke, T. Magedanz, “Smart Grid Application using ETSI M2M: Domestic Electric Water Heaters”, SAIEE SAUPEC, January 2016, Verreeninging, South Africa. Link
  5. J.W.K. Brown, “An Intelligent Geyser with Wi-Fi Access to Support Demand-Side Managemetn”, South African Universities Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC), 28-30 January 2015, Johannesburg, South Africa. Link
  6. R.I. Muller, M.J. Booysen, “Household electricity and water monitor and control with cellular communications and web interface”, South African Universities Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC), 30-31 January 2014, Durban, South Africa. Link
  7. R.I. Muller, M.J. Booysen, “Smart Household Water Flow Meter”, South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM 2014), 14-16 January 2014, Somerset West, South Africa. Link

Other publications

    • N.A. Ebot Eno Akpa, M.J. Booysen, M. Sinclair, “Efficacy of novel interventions on speed compliance in the minibus taxi industry”, SAICE Magazine, September 2015.
    • F.J. Bruwer, M.J. Booysen, “Vehicle acceleration estimation using smartphone-based sensors”, SAICE Magazine, September 2015.
    • A. de Bruin, M.J. Booysen, “Drone-based traffic flow estimation and tracking using computer vision”, SAICE Magazine, September 2015.
    • N.A. Ebot Eno Akpa, M.J. Booysen, M. Sinclair, “Efficacy of novel interventions on speed compliance in the minibus taxi industry”, SAICE Magazine, September 2015.
    • M.J. Booysen, “ITS in Sub-Saharisch Afrika”, nm Magazine, 2014 volume 1 (Dutch transport magazine). Link
    • M.J Booysen, “Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Journal article for DBSA’s e-digest, June 2012. Link
    • M.J. Booysen, “Relevance of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Fully Networked Car conference at the Geneva International Motor show, March 2012. Hosted by the ISO, IEC and ITU. Link
    • M.J Booysen, “Research on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and vehicular networking”, ITS-SA members meeting, Feb 2012.